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Brewing Guide

Welcome to our brewing guide.

Here, we share our passion for coffee by providing you with comprehensive instructions on different brewing methods. Whether you are a coffee aficionado or new to the world of specialty coffee, our guides will help you to brew a perfect cup of coffee every time. From French press to pour-over, and cold brew, we cover all the brewing techniques so you can explore and find your favorite way to make a delicious cup of coffee.

Pour Over

  1. Weigh and grind coffee (grind to roughly the size of granulated table salt).
  2. Heat 2 ½ cups of water to 200F, or bring to a boil and let cool for 1 minute.
  3. Crease edges of paper filter in opposite directions to ensure fit then place filter in dripper.
  4. Rinse paper filter (to avoid paper taste) and discard water used for rinsing.
  5. Place dripper on top of cup.
  6. Add ground coffee to filter ensuring that the coffee bed is level.
  7. Add water to "bloom" grounds Start timer and gently saturate grounds with hot water, pouring in a circular motion in the center of the coffee bed and allowing the coffee to "bloom" or de-gas. Add only enough water to saturate the grounds; stop before coffee starts to flow from bottom of filter.
  8. Wait 30–45 seconds.
  9. Slowly pour remaining water Keep the liquid level in the dripper between ½ and ¾ full. Avoid pouring along the edges of the coffee bed. Control brewing time and liquid level by slowing or speeding up the pour as needed. Total brew time should be 3–4 minutes.
  10. Serve and enjoy!

French Press 

  1. Measure out 5tbs of beans
  2. Grind the beans on the coarsest setting in a grinder.
  3. Heat water to 200F, or bring to a boil and let cool for 1 minute.
  4. Stir the brew. ...
  5. Brew for 4 minutes. ...
  6. Plunge the press.
  7. Serve and enjoy!


  1. Select your coffee and grind it to a medium coarse grind.
  2. Open a CHEMEX® Bonded Coffee Filter into a cone shape so that one side of the cone has three layers, and place it into the top of the CHEMEX® brewer. The thick (three-layer) portion should cover the pouring spout. Optional
  3. Dampen the filter with warm water to rinse and preheat the brewer. Once the water has drained through the filter completely, pour it out of the brewer while keeping the filter sealed against the coffeemaker wall.
  4. Put one rounded tablespoon of ground coffee for every 5 oz. cup into the filter cone. Feel free to use more if you prefer it stronger; our CHEMEX® brewing process eliminates bitterness. Tip: On all brewers except the pint size model, the “button” indicates the carafe is half filled and the bottom of the wooden collar/spout indicates it's full. On the pint size brewer, the button is the full marker.
  5. Once you have brought the appropriate amount of water to a boil, remove it from the heat and allow it to stop boiling vigorously.
  6. Pour a small amount of water over the coffee grounds to wet them, and wait for about 30 seconds for them to “bloom”, releasing the most desirable coffee elements from the grounds.
  7. After the grounds bloom, slowly pour the brewing water over the grounds while keeping the water level well below the top of the CHEMEX® (quarter inch or more).
  8. Slowly pour the remaining water over the grounds, using a circular or back-and-forth motion as you pour to ensure an even soaking of the grounds.
  9. Once the desired amount of coffee is brewed, lift the filter with spent grounds out of the brewer and discard.
  10. Serve and enjoy!

Cold Brew

  1. Grind the coffee beans into a coarse grind. Grind the coffee beans in a coffee grinder until they are coarsely ground. Depending on the capacity of the coffee grinder, you may need to grind the coffee in batches. The goal is a coarse grind about the size of deme rara or raw sugar.
  2. Combine the ground coffee and water in the jar. Pour the ground coffee in to a 3-quart jar or pitcher. Add the water.
  3. Stir to incorporate. Gently stir the coffee with the water until well-blended. The coffee will float to the top as it sits, but don’t stress about that — just make sure all of the coffee gets wet.
  4. Steep the coffee overnight in the fridge. Cover and refrigerate the cold brew for at least 18 hours or up to 24 hours.
  5. Strain the coffee concentrate. Line a small fine-mesh strainer with cheesecloth and set it over a large measuring cup. Slowly pour the coffee concentrate through the strainer. Depending on the size of your strainer, you may need to strain the coffee in batches. Fight the temptation to squeeze or press the coffee grounds in the cheesecloth.
  6. Transfer to the cold brew to a clean jar for longer-term storage. Once strained, transfer the coffee to a clean, airtight jar for long-term storage. Cover and refrigerate for up to 2 weeks.
  7. To serve, fill a glass with 1 cup ice cubes. Pour 1/2 cup the cold brew over the ice, add 1/2 cup cold water, and stir to combine. Add sweet cream or half-and-half if desired
  8. Enjoy!
Tip: We suggest using a burr grinder because it delivers a more consistent particle size, allowing for a more even extraction and fuller bodied cup of coffee.