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Get Off

Get Off

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We're thrilled to introduce our latest single origin coffee from Costa Rica, "Get Off," named after the iconic song by Prince. This blend is sure to impress even the most discerning coffee connoisseur, with a rich and complex flavor profile that's sure to tantalize the taste buds.

At the forefront of the experience is a subtle yet unmistakable hint of green apple, followed by notes of toffee and cocoa that give this coffee its distinctive and memorable taste. The beans were harvested and roasted with care, preserving their natural flavors and aroma for your enjoyment.

As you savor each sip of "Get Off," you'll be transported to the lush rainforests and rolling hills of Costa Rica, where the coffee beans were grown under optimal conditions for a truly exceptional taste. The velvety texture and long-lasting finish make it the perfect choice for those who crave a truly indulgent coffee experience.

(1 lowest - 7 highest)

  • Brightness: 6
  • Body: 3
  • Aroma: 7
  • Complexity: 4
  • Balance: 5
  • Sweetness: 4


  • Chocolaty
  • Fruity


LOCATION: Costa Rica